About Me!

I am a stay at home mom to 5 wonderful little persons! First is Gavin who is 8, second is Jordan who is 6, Ryan who is 3 and identical twin girls, Emily and Chloe who are 10 months old. I have been married to my best friend, James for 8 years.
I graduated from highschool a year early, went to a community college for a couple of years and have been planning to go back very soon to pursue a business management degree. My hubby has a business of his own that I help him run. I would love to earn my business management degree to further our careers in business ownership and help our business thrive to pass to our children.
We live a fairly normal life, but what is normal these days?! We own a small home on a beautiful lot that the boys play and have many adventures on. We are an active family that love baseball, hunting, camping, swimming, movie nights, going to indoor fun places and just being together.
I strive for my family to be close knit so anything and everything that James and I do is for our family. We live and breathe for our 5 beautiful little creations.
Hence this blog! :) I want to chronicle every thought and event in our life for my children to read later in life. I want them to know that I love them and wanted to remember every part of their lives. Since having Gavin, my memory is seriously starting to fade. I forget a lot of things and my biggest fear is forgetting their milestones, major events and everyday antics of their lives.
I don't have a lot of time now to blog since having the twins but I promise I will try my hardest to write about our lives for you, my children.
Mommy loves you more than you can ever imagine.