Thursday, January 5, 2012

James' 30th SURPRISE birthday bash!

 A year in the making, my mom and I worked our tails off making this party one to remember while remaining on a strict budget! The theme was of course - HUNTING!
The food was courtesy of "Ketchup in the Kitchen" a VERY affordable and tasty choice. I provided the elk meat for the elk tacos and she provided the rest - rice, beans, chips, salsa, and taco fixings.
The drinks we served were more for adults... margaritas, micheladas, and a keg, which by the way was just enough.
My mom and I made the centerpieces out of lanterns, moss, pine cones, used shotgun shells, and sticks. Everything but the lanterns were found at local parks and our backyard. ;-)
The table runners were really easy to make, I don't sew so I ironed the ends and used fabric glue to finish off the rough edges.
The venue was a beautiful one that I would use again! It was at a place called Noah's.

I made a video montague of James that was compiled of pictures of him from baby to now. It included his favorite songs, all country of course. I worked really hard on that, I wanted it to be special for his family as well to realize that they all had a hand in raising this heck of a man that I love so much.
The cake was made by yours truly. It was a 6 layered, 3 tiered carrot cake covered in fondant with camo cake tattoos and an orange Browning symbol.

He was definitely surprised and he as well as all of the guests had an amazing time! This was a great night that we will remember for a long time...
When he walked in, as we all yelled, "SURPRISE!"

The guys had a great time!

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