Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

I am thankful for...
James, who is the rock of our family. Whenever anything comes up, we can always count on you to pull us through. You are the epitame of a family man. Everything you do is for us. You are a hardworker who wants to give me and your children all that we desire. You are an amazing best friend who I can be myself with and tell you anything without judgment. You support me and are my partner in parenting our children. You are an amazing father who our children are blessed to have. I am so grateful for you and all you do for us. <3

Gavin, you are my sweet big boy. You are such a kind and attentive brother to your little brothers and sisters. You are talented in baseball and any other sport you attempt. You are an athlete and I love that about you! I love your confidence. You try so hard in school and I am proud of you for doing that. You are such an awesome person who genuinely cares for your friends, neighbors, family and even strangers. I am grateful to have you as my first born son!

Jordan, you are my artistic little boy! I love your creativity and your loud voice! You are so sensitive and loving. Your smile lights up the room. I am amazed at your intelligence and your ability to learn concepts at school so quickly and easily! You are an amazing baseball player with such natural talent and potential! I know you will grow into it and succeed. You are incredibly intelligent and I know that whatever you do, you will succeed! You are so amazing. I am so grateful for my creative son who I love so dearly!

Ryan, you are my wild mama's boy! I love your funny faces and crazy antics. You are so smart and caught on to talking, walking, running and riding your scooter so quickly! You are so sweet and such a kind hearted little boy. I love how you look up to your big brothers but will put them in their place also! Haha! You too are very athletic and so tough. I know that you will succeed in whatever sport you put your mind to. I am grateful for you my comical Rhyno baseball boy!

Chloe, you are my funny little girl! I love the funny faces that you make at me. You make me chuckle everytime I think of your "stink face". You are so smart already saying words and waving bye. You are so beautiful and I love seeing you learn new things and progress into a little girl from a baby. I love the way you stick your tongue out whenever you are concentrating on something, you look just like daddy! I am grateful for you Chloe and I look forward to watching you grow! 

Emily, you are my mama's girl! I love how you are so in love with me! LOL You love to cuddle and whenever you lay your head on mommy or daddy you say, "Awww...". You are so intelligent and are already standing up by yourself and even have taken a step from the couch to me! You clap your hands and wave bye. I am amazed at how beautiful you are and love to watch you change and grow everyday. I love the way you crack up when your brothers make a funny face. I am grateful for you Emily and I am excited to see you change and grow! 

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